Thursday, 12 September 2013

Essay beginning

200 words to break down and define topic and aim of essay.
7.     Choose a cyberpunk story or movie. Compare the economic and social world it conjures with the real world today. How close is this imagined world to our world and are we moving towards the imagined world or away from it?

Introducing Topic 
The cyberpunk, futuristic film ExistenZ takes the viewer to an alternate, gamer focused world. Although there are arguably extreme differences in the type of gaming in the film compared to that of the real world. The film displays both alike and contrasting economic and social themes when compared to our contemporary world. The film presented some farfetched ideas about society becoming reliant on an alternative (virtual) reality; however with the aid of developing gaming technologies, these ideas could be described as what our world is heading for.

Thesis Statement (What essay is about)
ExistenZ is a world based around the playing of a virtual reality game, which has layer upon game-in-game layer ultimately confusing players between the real worlds with the advanced virtual world, that the futuristic part flesh part software gaming systems provide. From this entertainment technology, off springs a number of societal trends all based around the reliance on this virtual reality. Economical reliance or general disregard in the games society is apparent as well as societies seeming unquestionable acceptance of the alternate reality being the most important element of their day to day. 

How I Am Going To Approach
With the aid of academic journals and film analysis, the essay will aim to compare values in the world of the film to our world to distinguish factors likely to steer out world toward the films. By looking at emerging gaming technologies and stats of gamer usage and articles on potential virtual world reliance, actual technological possibilities will be assessed.
Sources will be collected and analyzed using Delicious.

Idea 1 Social
ExistenZ offers the social construct that to crave being in a virtual reality is acceptable or even a norm. It is a common denominator that connects every member of society.
The problem with this is that with prolonged use, especially of games with multiple layers, users may begin to confuse the real world with the virtual one. This presents a subtle level of potential madness in society, seemingly controlled by fear.

Idea 2 Economic/gaming industry
'optical rift'? sensory technologies walking pad, all these technologies while currently relatively new and under development and advancement are seemingly new and harmless to humans, simply a fad a new entertainment form. However future implementation of these technologies into every day life seem very different to the minimal use limited only to gaming as we see in the film.

Values are rearranged so that level of advancement in the game is ones social rank in society. As well as that within the game as well as their world, there is no monetary system. Seemingly all that matters is the game and playing the game. The only economic advances society seems concerned with fulfilling are those associated with the game technologies, including any accidental transformation of species that occur along the way.

Idea 3 How close to world
While the base values of society seem a far cry from that of the real world, there are still evident the definitions of right and wrong. Motives in life seem to have changed from the ‘existence’ of the game. Most of society seems addicted to being in the alternate reality and show no real motivation to follow through with traditional life passages such as starting a family, making a solid income and being fit and healthy.
As for the technological advancements clearly very advanced,their implementations into the everyday life of civilians out side of gaming seem absolutely limited. One would consider the potential market for simplifying of every day tasks through an out of body or mind control system. If these gaming world advancements were indeed made it would be nearly impossible for large technology corporations, currently such as Apple, to cash in and adapt them to new products in some way. Which is not evident in the film at all. As although gaming in our real world is often at the forefront of technological advances, communication devices, cars and other everyday essentials seem to have the step ahead.

Idea 4 Moving toward or away
Our real world seems much less interested in the gaming fad. Individuals who prioritize being in an alternate reality over the real world are frowned upon rather than isolated as the minority. Although amazingly rapid advancements in gaming technology would point toward the fact that we are moving closer to this world. Technology is definitely the cornerstone of our real worlds future so it may just be legible that this is where we will end up.

 Most factors point toward the conclusion that the gaming trend and social acceptance is a nearer reality then initially thought, aided by advancements in digital technology. However there are clear exceptions to the move, such as the part digital part living organism game pods. Creepy to say the least and far from even today's industry safety standards. Extensive testing and precautions would be implemented if such things were trialed in the current setting. The desire to experience nature in real life and be fit and healthy within ones body will never be fully replaced, not for all of society anyway.


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